| | New Venezuelan fossil crocs.09/06/2018 Published yesterday, in Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (see here), paper co-authored by Giovanne Cidade, with colleagues from Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, describing new fossil crocs from the Castillo Formation, Miocene of Venezuela. On the left: a Purusaurus lower jaw. |
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 | | Star dust ...30/05/2018 Published today in Royal Society Open Science (see here), paper by Mariela Castro, Julio Marsola and Max Langer, with colleagues from Unicamp, MIT and Museo de La Plata, describing the first mesozoic mammal from Brazil, Brasilestes stardusti. |
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 | | New dinosaur!25/05/2018 Published today in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (see here), paper co-hautored by Max Langer, with colleagues from UFSM and UFRGS, describing a new dinosaur species from the Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, Bagualosaurus agudoensis. |
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 | | Biodiversity under "attack"25/05/2018 Published today, as a Letter in Science (see here), note from various Brazilian researchers, including Annie Hsiou, warning abou the problems of the new rules from the Conselho de Gestão do Patrimonio Genético (CGen). |
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 | | New Buriolestes schultzi specimen15/05/2018 Published today, in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (see here), paper co-authored by Max Langer and Mario Bronzati, with colleagues from CAPPA/UFSM, describing a new and well preserved specimen (skull in the photograph) of the triassic dinosaur Buriolestes schultzi. |
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 | | Julian's viva14/05/2018 Las week, May 10th 2018, Julian got his MSc degree from the Comparative Biology graduation program, FFCLRP-USP. In the photo (left to right): Felipe Montefeltro, Mario Bronzati e Rodrigo Santucci (board), Julian and Max (supervisor). Congrats Julian! |
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 | | USP talks26/04/2018 This Tuesday, April 24th, talking about Brazilian dinosaurs, Max took part in the 18th edition of the USP talks event, at Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) and promoted by Universidade de São Paulo and the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo. The complete footage can be seen here. |
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 | | New outreach paper02/04/2018 Published today, in Revista de Cultura e Extensão da USP (see here), outreach paper by Pedro Godoy, Gabriel Ferreira, Elisabate Dassie and Annie Hsiou, with collague from UNESP, talking about the activities of the project "Oficina de Paleontologia: os fósseis dentro da sala de aula". |
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 | | All you wanted to known about pleurodires28/03/2018 Published today, in Royal Society Open Science (see here), paper by Gabriel Ferreira, Max Langer and Mario Bronzati, with colleague from do Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio, revising the phylogeny, biogeography, and diversity patterns of pleurodire turtles, such as Podocnemis unifilis, in the photo. |
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 | | Brains on the street21/03/2018 Last saturday, the PaleoLab took part in the VII Semana Nacional do Cérebro, explaining how to study the brain of dinosaurs and other extinct animals to the broad audience at Praça XV, downtown Ribeirão Preto. |
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 | | Pissarra's ontogeny08/03/2018 Published today, in Palaeontology (see here), paper by current (Gabriel Ferreira, Max Langer) and old (Pedro Godoy, Felipe Montefeltro, Bruno Vila Nova) members of the PaleoLab, with colleague from the University of Birmingham, discussing the effects of heterochrony in the evolution of Baurusuchidae, based on a juvenile of Pissarrachampsa sera. |
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 | | New paper on dinosaur precursors07/03/2018 Published today, in Zootaxa (see here), paper co-authored by Max Langer, with UFSM colleagues, about the inner phylogenetic relations of the Lagerpetidae. |
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 | | Foreign visitor07/03/2018 This week, the PaleoLab receved the visit of Sterling Nesbitt (Virginia Tech University, EUA), working in a join project with Prof. Max and enjoying happy-hours with the team. |
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 | | New paper on fossil snakes05/03/2018 Published today, in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (see here), paper by Sívio Onary and Annie Hsiou revising the taxonomy of Pseudoepicrates stanolseni, a Miocene Boidae from the US. |
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 | | Fieldwork in Bahia28/02/2018 Between February 21st and 27th, a PaleoLab team, along with colleagues from UNESP and UNIVASF, conducted field work to the Juro-Cretacic rocks of the Tucano Basin, in Bahia. In the photo (left to right): Estevan, Marquinho, Felipe, Shummi, Sílvio and UNIVASF students.
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 | | UPb ages for the Brazilian Triassic22/02/2018 Published in Gondwana Research (see here) paper by Max Langer providing the first radioisotopic ages for the Triassic rocks of Rio Grande do Sul. Work with colleagues from UFSM and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Photo with some of the dated zircon crystals.
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 | | A "total" station14/02/2018 Published today, in Palaios (see here), paper by Marcos Bissaro, Fernando Adorni, Fellipe Muniz and Annie Hsiou, with colleagues from UNESP and UFAC, describing the use of a "Total Station" in paleontological research, with a case study in Miocene rocks in Acre.
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 | | Turtle brain.05/02/2018 Published today, in Fronties in Ecology and Evolution (see here), paper co-authored by Gabriel Ferreira, with colleagues from Germany and the UK, describing the neuroanatomy of one of the oldest turtle, Progranocheys quenstedti, from the German Triassic.
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 | | New paper with PaleoLab help.04/02/2018 Published yesterday, in Journal of Iberian Geology (see aqui), paper co-authores by Giovanne Cidade, with colleagued from UFRJ, discussing the taphonomy of the dinosaur and crocodile records of the Bauru Group.
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 | | New turtle from the Cretaceous of São Paulo.29/01/2018 Published yesterday, in Paläontologische Zeitschrift (see here), paper by Gabriel Ferreira, Guilherme Hermanson and Max Langer, with collagues from Museu de Paleontologia de Monte Alto, describing new fossil turtles from the Crataceous, with the description of a new species: Yuraramirim montealtensis. Computed tomography image of its skull is shown in the figure.
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 | | Round and round.10/01/2018 2018 begun with changes in the PaleoLab team. Mariela left for her position at UFG (but will carry on apearing here), whereas "Roque" returned form his PhD in Germany for a post-doc fundede by CNPq.
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 | | Paleo-Chritmas 2017.10/12/2017 This is the third PaleoChristmas reported in this site, this time it took place at Julio's house, with more than 20 participants, 50 liters of beer, and much more. Let 2018 begin!
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 | | Field-work in Santa Maria-RS.15/11/2017 Finished today, with a barbecue at Átila's place, field-work to the Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, with colleagues from UFSM. In the photo (left to right), Blair McPhee, Sílvio Onary, Júlio Marsola e Max Langer, with a dinosaur in the plaster jacket and Átila Da Rosa in the box.
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 | | Supradapedon revisited.13/11/2017 Published today, in PeerJ (see here), paper by Max Langer, Átila da Rosa e Felipe Montefeltro, presenting the geologic mapping of the area of Tunduru, south Tanzânia, where the PaleoLab conducted a field-trip in 015, and the redescription of a rhynchosaur collected there in the nineteen fifties.
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 | | Pathology in a fossil croc.08/11/2017 Published yesterday, in Historical Biology (see here), paper by Giovanne Cidade and Annie Hsiou, with colleagues from Venezuela, describing a pathology in the palate of Mourasuchus, Miocene of Venezuela.
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 | | Untangling dino phylogeny.02/11/2017 Published today, as a Brief Communications Arising in Nature (see here), paper by Max Langer, Blair McPhee and (many) colaborators - Martin Ezcurra, Oli Rauhut, Mike Benton, Diego Pol, Fernando Novas, Fabien Knoll, and Steve Brusatte - challenging the recent proposal of grouping theropods and ornithischians in Ornithiscelida.
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 | | Shummi's viva.02/11/2017 Yesterday, 01/11/2017, Thiago Fachini, aka Shummi, got his MSc at the Comparative Biology Graduation Program. In the photo (left to right): Mariela Castro, Annie Hsiou (supervisor), Fabiano Iori, and Max Langer. Congrats Shumeto!
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 | | Pulanesaura eocollum.24/10/2017 Published yesterday, in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (see here), paper by Blair McPhee, with colleague from South Africa, describing the osteology of the jurassic dinosaur Pulanesaura eocollum.
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 | | Livre Docência da Annie.10/10/2017 Last week Annie passed her Livre Docência exam, becoming the younger Associate Professor at FFCLRP/USP. In the photo, the panel, from left to right: Cesar Schultz (UFRGS), Frésia Ricardi Branco (UNICAMP), Dalton Amorin (USP), Oranjel Aguilera (UFF) and Tiana Kohlsdorf (USP). Congrats Annie!
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 | | Dino brain.20/09/2017 Published today, in Scientific Reports (see here), paper by old (Mario Bronzati, Jonathas Bittencourt) and current (Max Langer) members of the do PaleoLab, describing the endocast of the triassic dinosaur Saturnalia tupiniquim. The study helps understanding the behaviour of the oldest dinosaurs.
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 | | Book review on turtles.11/09/2017 Gabriel Ferreira, aka Fumis, published today a review in Evolution & Development about the book "Turtles as Hopefull Monsters" by Olivier Rieppel.
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 | | Sauropodomorph biostratigraphy.30/08/2017 Published last week, in Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (see here), paper by Blair McPhee and South African colleagues, with a review of the stratigraphic distribution of sauropodomorphs along the Triassic-Jurassic bounday in the Karroo Basin in South Africa and Lesotho.
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 | | New PaleoLab paper.31/07/2017 Published yesterday, in Journal of Herpetology (see here), paper by Sílvio Onary, Thiago Fachini and Annie Hsiou, with a review on Brazilian fossil snakes, including "that" on the left!
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 | | XXV Brazilian Paleontology Congress.22/07/2017 From July 21st to 26th, the PaleoLab organized, along with colleagues from UNESP and UFSCar, at Faculdade de Direiro de Ribeirão Preto-USP, the XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Paleontologia, with an attendance of nearly 500 people and the presentation of over 300 papers.
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 | | Prof.a Dr.a Mariela Castro.28/06/2017 Last week, Mariela (Paleozoic PaleoLab member, in a 2008 picture on the left) was approved in a contest for lectureship in Vertebrate Zoology and Biogeography at Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) campus Catalão. Well done Mari!
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 | | New rodent from the Miocene of Acre.12/06/2017 Published today, in Historical Biology (see here), paper co-authored by Annie Hsiou and Marcos Bissaro, with colleagues from UFAC and UFSM, describing Ferigolomys pacarana, a new caviomorph from the Solimões Formation (Mioceno), in Acre. The generic epithet honours Jorje Ferigolo, Annie's ex-supervisor.
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 | | Alemoatherium huebneri.23/05/2017 Published today, in Papers in Palaeontology (see here), paper co-authored by Max Langer, with collagues from UFRGS, UFSM, and UNIVASF, describing a new cynodont from the Santa Maria Formation (Triassic). The image depicts a similar animal, Bonacynodon schultzi.
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 | | Field-wok in Argentina.08/05/2017 From April 21st to May 7th, the PaleoLab, along with colleagues from MACN, CRILaR, and UFRGS, conducted field-work in the Triassic deposits of the Ischigualasto Formation, in La Rioja, Argentina. Rhynchosaur, cynodont, and archosaur fossils were collected. In the photo (left to right): Blair, Julian, Martin Hechenleitner, Max, Felipe Montefeltro, Agustin Martinelli - above; Martin Ezcurra, Julia Desojo, Jimena Trotteyn, Belén von Baczko e Voltaire Paes Neto - below).
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 | | Brasilichnium anaiti.29/04/2017 Published this week, in Ichnos (see here), paper by Simone D'Orazi-Porchetti and Max Langer, with the colleague from UNESP campus Rio Claro, Reinaldo Bertini, describing a new mammal ichnospecies from the Botucatu Formation (Juro-Cretaceous).
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 | | Juvenile titanosaur.05/04/2017 Published today, in Cretaceous Research (see here), paper by Julian Silva Júnior, with colleagues from UFTM, describing a juvenile titanosaur from the Cretaceous of the Uberaba-MG area. The image by Marcos Paulo depicts a titanosaur group.
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 | | PaleoLab living criters.04/04/2017 Published today, in Tropical Conservation Science (see here), paper by Mariela Castro, with colleagues from Oklahoma State University, discussing the ecological biogeography of Dasypus pilosus, this strange thing on the left.
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 | | New Mourasuchus from Venezuela.07/03/2017 Published today, in PeerJ (see here), paper by Giovanne Cidade and Annie Hsiou, with colleagues from IVIC and UFU, describing a new croc species, Mourasuchus pattersoni, from the Miocene Urumaco Formation, Venezuela.
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 | | Finally done!04/03/2017 Afther one month of refurnishing, the new face of the PaleoLab. Obviously they are only pretending to work.
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 | | Fábio's viva.04/02/2017 Yesterday, February 3rd 2017, Fábio Carbonaro got his PhD about Devonian trilobites at the Comparative Biology Graduation Program. In the photo (left to right): Renato (de facto supervisor), Juliana Leme, Fábio, Luiz Eduardo Anelli, Max (formal supervisor) and Sandro Sheffler.
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 | | More papers and news.30/01/2017 In the same volume of Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia in which the 100th PaleoLab paper was published, the 101st also apeared (see here). Besides, last week, the PaleoLab received its new Post-Doc, Blair McPhee (on the left).
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 | | 100 and counting ...30/01/2017 It is quite funny that the 100th PaloLab paper is about Devonian palynology. Fourth of a series of papers derived from the PhD of Fábio Carbonaro.
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 | | PaleoChristmas 2016.22/12/2016 Friday, December 16th 2016, we had our PaleoChristmas at Mariela's place. Paleo-kids barbecue, Lund beer, and many more!
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 | | XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Paleontologia.15/12/2016 Already on the XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Paleontologia web-page (see here), to take plave at the Ribeirãp Preto USP campus, from the 17th to the 21st of July 2017. See you in Ribeirão!
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 | | PaleoLab in Esporte Espetacular.04/12/2016 Broadcasted today (see here), program shot during 2012 about underwater cave fossil digging in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. In honour of the camera-man Ari Jr. (in the photo) dead in the Chapecoense flight.
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 | | PaleoLab contribution on Archaeology.24/11/2016 Published yesterday, in Antiquity (see here) paper co-authored by Marcos Bissaro describing ancient amerindian rithuals from the Holocene deposits of Lapa do Santo cave, in Minas Gerais.
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 | | Sílvio's viva.20/11/2016 Friday, November 18th, Sívio got his MSc on fossils snakes from the Comparative Biology Graduation Program. The paned was composed by Liza Pacheco, Marco de França, and Max Langer. Well done Sílvio!
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 | | Ixalerpeton & Buriolestes.11/11/2016 Yesterday, current (Max Langer, Júlio Marsola) and ex- (Jonathas Bittencourt, Mario Bronzati) members of the PaleoLab, published in Current Biology article describing two new species of Dinosauromorpha from the Triassic of south Brazil. Collaboration with colleagues at ULBRA, UFSM, Museu Nacional, among others.
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 | | Walking, running, hopping.31/10/2016 Today, Simone D' Orazi Porchetti and Max Langer published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology article describing the gait variability and locomotor skills of the mammal Brasilichnium elusivum, based on footprints from the Botucatu Formation from Araraquara. Collaboration with colleagues from UNESP campus Rio Claro.
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 | | New PaleoLab paper.21/10/2016 Today, Guilherme Hermanson, Gabriel Ferreira and Max Langer published in Historical Biology article describing a turtle peripheral plate from the Bauru Basin, Uberaba area, that represents the largest Cretaceous Podocnemidoidea. This was the first article published by an undergrad student from the PaleoLab. Well done Squirtle (!), who in the next photo presents a poster about his paper at the X SBPV, Rio de Janeiro.
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 | | Fieldwork in Candelária-RS.16/10/2016 Between October 10th and 14th, 2016, the PaleoLab team, along with UFRGS and Museu Aristides Carlos Rodrigues, conducted fieldwork on Triassic rocks in the area of Candelária-RS. In the photo (from left to right): Luan, Schultz, Tomaz, Wafa, Morgan, Carlos, Fuchs, Agustin, Marcel and Marco (standing), Voltaire, Squirtle, Max, Bete and Ana (seated).
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 | | X Brazilian Symposium on Vertebrate Paleontology.09/10/2016 Between October 3rd and 7th, 2016, members and ex-members of the PaleoLab, attended the X SBPV, at Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. In the photo (at São Cristóvão fair and from the left to the right): Gabriel, Felipe Muniz, Sílvio, Bruno, accordion player, Felipe Montefeltro, Giovanne and Annie.
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 | | New fieldwork in Acre.17/09/2016 Between August and September 2016, the PaleoLab team, including Marcos, Sílvio, Felipe (first, second and fifth in the phooto, from right to left), among others, developed extensive fieldwork in the Juruá and Purus rivers, in Acre. Work with partners from UFAC and FZB/RS.
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 | | Amazon gavialoideans and caimanines.02/09/2016 In the same issue of Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, Giovanne Mendes Cidade published another article describing new crocodylian fossils from the Miocene of Acre. Collaboration with colleagues from UFRJ, UFU e CPRM. In the next figure, Gavialoidea lower jaw parts, including Gryposuchus.
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 | | Lizards from the "Bear Cave".02/09/2016 This week, Annie Hsiou and Silvio Onary-Alves published, in Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, article describing new lizzard fossils from the quaternary "Gruta do Urso" (= "Bear Cave") in Tocantins, central Brazil. Collaboration with colleagues from UNIRIO and East Tennessee State University. In the next figure, a teid lower jaw in lateral and medial views.
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 | | Tar pit boas.06/07/2016 Today, Sílvio Onary-Alves and Annie Hsiou published in Alcheringa, article describing fossil boas (Boa constrictor) from the famous tar pit El Breal del Orocual, Plio-Pleistocene of Venezuela. Another collaboration with Ascanio Rincón, Instituto Venezoelando de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC).
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 | | Jeanninny's viva.02/07/2016 Yesterday, June 1st 2016, Jeanninny got her PhD viva. In the picture (from left to right): Max, Jeanninny, Renato Ghilardi, Élvio Bosetti, Juliana Leme and Liza Pacheco.
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 | | Farewell II.24/06/2016 As not to forget taphonomists and paleocheloniologists, Marcos (on the left, thoughtful) and Gabriel (on the right, laugthing as aways) are leaving in the end of the year for the overseas part of their PhDs, respectively at University of Arkansas, USA, and Universität Tübingen, Germany.
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 | | Containers!24/06/2016 Yes, it is nearly done the building of the new PaleoLab preparation area for fossil and living (disgusting!) organisms. With special thanks to the join student venture of preparing the ground to receive the containers.
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 | | Pissarrachampsa eggs.16/06/2016 Today, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology published a new paper authored by Júlio Marsola, describing a Late Cretaceous crocodyliform nesting site. Collaboration with colleagues Alessandro Batezelli (Unicamp), Felipe Montefeltro (Unesp) and Gerald Grellet-Tinner (CRILaR).
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 | | Farewell!10/06/2016 Last week, Estevan moved to his new permanent job at UNIVASF. In a couple of weeks, Júlio will leave for the overseas part of his PhD, in Birmingham. Different moments, equivalent feelings. The PaleoLab will miss you guys and wishes the best luck for both.
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 | | New PaleoLab paper.08/06/2016 Yesterday, PeerJ published a new paper authored by old (Marco Aurélio de França) and current (Júlio Marsola, Annie Hsiou, Max Langer) PaleoLab members, describing new jaw elements of the cretaceous titanosaurid sauropod Maxakalisaurus topai, found in the area of Prata, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
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 | | Foreign visitors.05/06/2016 This week the PaleoLab was visited by the palaeontologists Mike Caldwell (University of Alberta, Canada) and Randall Nydam (Midwestern University, USA), who worked on a join project with Annie Hsiou. In the photo, one of the many happy-hours of these days, with the visitors on the back.
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 | | New PaleoLab paper.28/05/2016 Yesterday, PeerJ published a new paper authored by old (Pedro Godoy, Mário Bronzati, Estevan Eltink, Felipe Montefeltro) and current (Júlio Marsola, Giovanne Cidade, Max Langer) PaleoLab members, describing the postcranial anatomy of the crocodyliform Pissarrachampsa sera, a taxon that (according to most authors of the paper) should compose the new logo of the Lab. Ornitosuchians complain!
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 | | Field work in Argentina.22/05/2016 Between May 2nd-13th, the PaleoLab team, along with colleagues from MACN, CRILaR and UFSM, conducted a field-trip to the triassik deposits of the Ischigualasto Formation, at the Hoyada del Cerro Las Lajas site, in La Rioja, Argentina. Rhynchosaur, cinodont, and archosaur fossils were collected. In the picture (from left to right): Max, Martin Ezcurra, Rodrigo Müller, Júlio, Marco, Belén von Baczko, Jeremias Toborda, Lucas Fiorelli, and Átila da Rosa.
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 | | Paulo's viva.29/04/2016 Yesterday, April 28th, Paulo got his MSc viva. In the picture (from left to right): Mário de Vivo, Annie (supervisor), Paulo and Mariela.
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 | | New "amphibian" from the Brazilian Permian12/04/2016 This week Journal of Systematic Palaeontology published the description and naming of a new temnospondyl species, Konzhukovia sangabrielensis (see here), from the Rio do Rasto Formation, Permian of Rio Grande do Sul. Estevan Eltink figures as a co-author of the paper, which is a collaboration with CAPPA/UFSM palaeontologists.
 | | Welcome Brasinorhynchus!04/03/2016 This weekend Paläontologische Zeitschrift published the formal naming of the "Mariante Rhynchosaur" (see here). More than 25 years after its discovery, three generations of "rhynchosaurologists" were needed to deliver the description of one of the more emblematic fossils of the Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul. Authors include César Schultz (supervisor of Max's MSc thesis at UFRGS), Max himself, and his ex-student Felipe Montefeltro (now at UNESP).
 | | Want to know what anagenesis is? Ask the matamata!04/03/2016 Yesterday, The Science of Nature (ex-Naturwissenschaften), published a paper by Gabriel Ferreira, Max Langer and co-workers, describing new material of Chelus (genus of the extant matamata turtle) from the Miocene of Venezuela. It is suggested that anagenesis played an important role in the evolution of these animals for the last 20 million years.
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 | | New dinosaur remains from the Triassic of Brazil17/02/2016 Yesterday, Historical Biology published a paper by Rodrigo Müller, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria MSc student, co-supervised by Max Langer, describing a new "prosauropod" partial skeleton, from the area of Agudo, Rio Grande do Sul.
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 | | New CNPq grants17/02/2016 Good news for the PaleoLab staff. The Brazilian agency CNPq awarded Annie Hsiou with a "productivity" grant, wereas Max Langer became a "1D" researcher. Gael, Annie's son (with his father on the left), thanks that he can now swich from boiling mate to warm milk.
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 | | All you always wanted to know about Dasypodini11/02/2016 This week, Revista del Museo de La Plata published a paper by our post-doc Mariela Castro with a broad-scale taxonomic review of the armadillos tribe Dasypodini (Xenarthra, Cingulata, Dasypodidae), including both fossil and extant forms.
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 | | Croc ears11/02/2016 This week, Journal of Anatomy published a paper by Felipe Montefeltro (ex Paleolab member) that discusses earing in fossil crocodiliforms, with the interesting suggestion that the Baurusuchidae (carnivorous crocs from the Cretaceous of South America) possessed analogue structures to the mammalian ear.
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 | | Langeronyx brodiei13/01/2016 Yesterday, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution published a paper by Martin Ezcurra, Felipe Montefeltro (ex PaleoLab member) and Richard Butler in which a rhynchosaur from the Middle Triassic of England is named after Max Langer. The holotype of Langeronyx brodiei, a partial skull housed at the Warwickshire Museum, Warwick-UK, is shown on the left.
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 | | Paleo Christmas 201517/12/2015 Saturday, December 12th, the PaleoLab team celebrated "Paleo Christmas" at Marcos Bissaro (LaleoLab PhD candidate) place. We barbecued, had some (a lot of) beer and Annie's potato salad, and played volleyball; with the extra presence of the ex-PaleoLab member Carol (Xirra) Laurini. |
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 | | Course by Dra. Julia Desojo26/11/2015 Between October 19th and 23rd, 2015, Professor Julia Brenda Dejoso (Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales and Universidad de La Plata) has been delivering a course on Triassic Arcossauriformes within the Comparative Biology Graduation Program, FFCLRP-USP. In the photo (left to right): Max, Gabriel, Julia, Giovanni, Thiago, Marcos, Ana Carolina, Gabriel e Andrés.
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 | | New article by Estevan Eltink16/10/2015 Out today on-line first version at Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society new article about the temnospondyl Australerpeton cosgriffi, Permian of Paraná (Brazil), with details on their cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position (see here).
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 | | Field work in Acre11/10/2015 During September, the PaleoLab team, leaded by Marcos Bissaro, has been digging Miocene deposits of Acre and Purus rivers (Amazon Basin). Mammal, crocs and turtle fossils were collected. Photograph of the Niteroi site, Rio Acre.
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 | | New article by Annie Hsiou11/09/2015 Today, in PLOS ONE (find aqui), new paper on the sphenodonts, Clevosaurus, from the Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, with details on their cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position.
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 | | Next CBP to be held in Ribeirão Preto07/08/2015 During this year SBP meeting, in Crato/CE, it was defined that the XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Paleontologia will be organized by the PaleoLab in Ribeirão Preto. Photo of the Universidade de São Paulo campus in Ribeirão.
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