Late Triassic
La Rioja, Argentina
Late Triassic
Ruvuma, Tanzania
Early Jurassic
La Grita, Venezuela
Late Cretaceous
Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso
Late Miocene
Purus River, Acre
Late Cretaceous
Gurinhatã, Minas Gerais
Late Permian
Cadeado Hills, Paraná
Late Jurassic
Pastos Bons, Maranhão
Late Jurassic
Araraquara, São Paulo
Middle Triassic
Chiniquá, Rio Grande do Sul
The Cadeado Higths are located in north-central Paraná, between the towns of Mauá da Serra e Ortigueiras, where permian rocks of the Rio do Rasto formation crop out. Between 2007 and 2010, in the context of research projects funded by the Brazilian agencies CNPq and FAPESP, the PaloLab conducted field work in that area and collected fossils include sharks, bone-fishes, and temnospondyls.
Departamento de Biologia
+55 16 3315 3844 / +55 16 3315 4984
Avenida Bandeirantes 3900 - CEP 14040-901 - Monte Alegre - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil